Laura ArredondoComment


Laura ArredondoComment

Abroad They Feast

A Personal Note from the Author

Early 2013, after struggling with a myriad of digestive symptoms and multiple food sensitivities, my love for food brought a new chapter of need, curiosity and exploration. I realized I could, and in fact needed to heal from the inside out.

Without spiraling into a monologue of my irresistible affinity to all things food related - which you will undoubtedly see as Abroad They Feast grows - I'll leave you with this:

Any wisdom or experience I have accumulated in the past decade about the art of visual storytelling, photography, food, nutrition and health, is what I hope to combine here, and share with you; how one can heal through food as much as one can indulge in the beauty and experience of it; sharing it, looking at it, and obviously eating it.

Thank you for stopping by, please sign up below! And thank you to all my willing friends and family who indulge me in my cooking experiments...

Buen Provecho,
