abroad they FEAST
abroad they FEAST
Food & Wellness Between Land and Table

A personal note from Laura

Why am I here, and why will you hopefully come along with me to share through Abroad They Feast? Because...

Food is a most beautiful expression of how we connect to the world, the land, one another, wellbeing and vitality… to history and the wisdom of our ancestors, passed on through generations in a way we can touch and smell and taste.

Food connects us, also, to the present in delight, when the flavors and textures in one dish capture all of our attention and we transcend for a moment, beyond thinking, beyond our selves. 

Food can show affection, food can hold reverence, food can inspire life… and for me, food is an act of love


For those of you devoted readers, I skipped over the journey above.. so I'll back-track a bit: At the beginning of 2013, after struggling with bouts of debilitating fatigue, brain fog, chronic "I-look-pregnant!” bloating, and multiple food sensitivities, my long-running love affair with food brought a new chapter of need, curiosity and exploration. It wasn't until then that it fully dawned on me that I could, and in fact needed to heal from the inside out.

Although I've always considered myself a “healthy” eater, I began to read as much as I could about healing with food. I used myself as a guinea pig, experimenting and navigating my way through a variety of culinary experiences - some limiting, some revelatory. After three years, patience, highs and lows, I was able to weed through some ungrounded fads, some useful but temporary restrictions, and ultimately, a few lasting pivotal lifestyle changes that were, well, life changing! 

Much of what now inspires my cooking and culinary quests often comes back to traditional wisdom... Fascinated by how current research often validates much of the wisdom found in older culinary traditions, some many centuries old!

And so, without getting into too much detail of my irresistible affinity to all things food related - which you will undoubtedly see throughout this blog as it grows - I'll leave you with this for now:

Any wisdom or experience I have accumulated in the past decade, and all the curiosity that will lead to more learning ahead in food and wellness, is something I hope to gather and share with you through my equal love for storytelling and photography.

I'll roam between my kitchen, restaurants, people, and landscapes that value inspired, conscious food practices. Abroad They Feast is about how everything thrives through a more conscious connection to food and land, as much as it is about indulging in the beauty and experience of food; sharing it, doting on it, and obviously eating it!

Thank you for stopping by. And thank you to all my willing friends and family who indulge me in my cooking experiments, tinctures and potions that take over any unsuspecting kitchen counter.

Buen Provecho!


